Using Read-a-Card plug‑ins
Read-a-Card will display all available plug‑ins in the Card ID source dropdown menu on the
Some plug‑ins only require that Read‑a‑Card is licensed for the plug‑in to function; others require specific configuration data. If a plug‑in appears in the dropdown list but is 'greyed out', it is unable to work for one of these reasons.
Note: Only one plug‑in can be in use at any time.
Clicking on the next to the format dropdown box will pop-up an information window showing the currently selected plug‑in format name, version, and other features. This window also contains a link to edit the .ini configuration file for the plug‑in and a link to help in this online help.
Read‑a‑Card currently includes:
NFC Decoder for decoding certain types of text NDEF records stored in NFC tags;
Paxton Net2 Compatible Decoder for converting card IDs to the format used by Paxton systems;
DESFire Decoder for reading secure application DESFire files;
MIFARE Sector Decoder for decoding data stored in MIFARE Classic sectors, including those protected by specific access keys; and a
Custom Format Decoder to extract specific data in particular formats.
If you require something else, or have any other requirements for decoding and returning contactless card ID information, please contact us via to discuss how we can help.
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